1. Setting the scene
Who were ‘you’ before your healing journey began? What was your mindset, your lifestyle, your sense of self? What challenges were you facing? Think about your thoughts, feelings, behaviours, relationships, family, career, health and anything else that characterised the ‘old you’, from childhood to adulthood.
2. Getting the call
What called you to work with psychedelics specifically? How did this happen? Was there a specific catalyst – life circumstances, or influences from other spiritual or healing modalities, like therapy, meditation, yoga, journalling etc.? What was your process in deciding plant medicine was right for you?
3. Capturing the experience
What aspects of yourself, your life, or your relationships were brought to your attention? What did you heal? What did you learn? Was there a theme to your journey? Did you have any clear messages or profound realisations? Was any part of your experience too difficult to make sense of, or put into words?
4. Embodying the lessons
What changed after your psychedelic experience? How did you think, feel or live differently? Consider your sense of self or purpose, the quality or dynamics of your relationships, your connection to nature and Spirit, or anything else. Did you make any changes in your life, and were these temporary or lasting?
5. Continuing the healing
How are you living differently today? What's your vision for the future? How are you continuing to learn, grow and develop? What steps could you take, or are you taking, to embody your lessons more in your daily life? Is there anything you still need to heal, change or let go of? How do you practice self-care?
6. Supporting each other
What are the most important lessons that you’d share with others who are facing, or have faced similar challenges as you? Is there any specific advice you would give? Can you recommend any helpful books, resources, integration tools, teachers or other practices that have been supportive to you on your journey?