One message from ceremony that's never left me


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August 11, 2024

At that point, I’d been jogging on my own and after the journey, I signed up for a half marathon, and then the full marathon training program. I went on to run a marathon, applied for grad school and now have a master’s degree. I also found ceramics shortly after my journey and have been deeply involved in my work with clay ever since.

All the while, the motto “ascend to your highest self” kept playing in my mind. It was like I believed in myself more deeply than I ever had done before. I went back to school after 16 years and made my research project about ayahuasca so I could study it and learn more. Now I’m training to become a therapist so I can legally do psychedelic assisted therapy with others.

I may have been able to achieve these things without ayahuasca. However, I feel it changed the trajectory of my life course. Aya gave me energy to meet huge challenges and the innate knowledge that if I worked hard enough at something, I could achieve it. My insecurities took a backseat for once in my life.

The thing I not did not expect from all of this, was the art. The creativity. After the ceremony, I felt like I had this art inside of me that needed to come out. I didn’t know how because I wasn’t in a creative space at that time. My hobby has been mycology. I happened to come across an ad for a six-week ceramics class at a local studio. I joined and started making altars and wall hangings inspired by my visions when I sat with medicine. I still do this now six years later!!!‍

Thank you for the opportunity to share my story.

Warning: This content includes personal experiences related to psychedelic substances. These stories are not endorsements or recommendations. The After Circle does not encourage the use of psychedelics. The content provided is for personal reflection purposes only. The After Circle does not advocate or encourage the use of illegal substances. It is your responsibility to ensure compliance with your local laws regarding controlled substances. The After Circle assumes no liability for any actions or decisions based on the content provided. Please consult a licensed medical professional before considering any form of treatment.